It’s time to CELEBRATE!

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Last year I set a BIG goal to write a weekly blog.  As I type, I’m meeting this GOAL!

I’ve learned a lot about writing, business and you in the past year.  I’m so happy you decided to read along.

In honor of this HUGE occasion, I’m sharing with you the three things you must do achieve your BIG goal.

1.) Take yourself seriously.

I am the CEO of my business. I set the projects, the timelines, and it’s up to me to hold to them.   Being accountable to myself is as important as being accountable to my clients.

2.) Put in the time.

My first blog took six days to write.  Six. Days! (Ok, I didn’t write for a full six days, but that was my turn around time.)

BIG goals take time. Plan for the time and don’t rush.

3.)  Have fun.

If it’s not, take a step back and reflect on why you set the goal in the first place. Don’t let the natural ups and downs of achieving something big steer you off course.

What do you do when you meet your BIG goal?

Celebrate BIG and set your next BIG goal!

(in that order).

Here’s to a year of blogging with YOU!

Thank you.


Share your favorite blog from the past year in the comments below. I’d love to hear which one you liked best!

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