About Practically Speaking

If you want to elevate your communication skills, you’ve come to the right place.

Your ability to communicate is a critical component of success in your career and personal life.

Whether you’re talking with clients, your peers, the executive leadership team, or key stakeholders, you want to be clear, concise, and commanding. You want to portray authority and approachability in your conversations, presentations, and meetings.

You’ve got something to say, and I’m here to help.

My passion for communication comes from spending nearly two decades as a Speech-Language Pathologist, helping people regain the ability to talk after illness or injury. My background includes advanced work in adult neurology and emotional intelligence. I blend my scientific approach speaking with my love of storytelling and humor into my work with individual clients and corporate teams alike.  I help others speak with confidence using strategies I’ve learned the hard way throughout my career.

I’m the CEO of Practically Speaking, LLC, host of the Crash Courses in Communication Podcast & author of Minivan Mogul: A Crash Course in Confidence for Women. I’m a motivational TEDx speaker, a group facilitator, and a mentor. Most importantly, I’m a mom and front-row fan of my clients.




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Level Up Your Communication

I can help you develop the mindset, skillset, and discipline you need to communicate more effectively.

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