Dear Pretty Perfect Woman

Dear Pretty Perfect Woman

Dear Pretty Perfect Woman, You are everywhere. I see you every day, at work, in meetings, networking events or on a stage. I see you at the store, the gym, at parties with my friends. You are beautiful. Your skin is light, olive, dark, black, tan, and every color in...
Cringing in My Car

Cringing in My Car

Chances are you’ve been here before.  You’re sitting with a group of friends or acquaintances swapping stories.  You share something that’s personal or shows your personality, and it seems OK at the time.  As you leave, you start to replay the...
Connecting with Courage

Connecting with Courage

Early Saturday a.m.  I had the opportunity to speak to a group of women from Dress for Success, Indianapolis about communication and confidence.  We sat semi-circle in plastic chairs, with coffee brewing in the background. The women ate snacks and took notes while we...
Afraid to Ask

Afraid to Ask

Asking for things has been hard me for me. Asking for help, for directions, for additional explanation, for stuff I needed or even wanted, made me terribly uncomfortable.   I learned early (from my family) that asking for help was a sign of weakness.  Asking was...
Bored Stiff

Bored Stiff

Am I the only person who wonders if their content is boring? Sometimes, I’m plagued with the thought that no matter what I put down in writing, it simply won’t be insightful, interesting or valuable.  I worry that “it’s all been said and...

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