You are Putting Me to Sleep

You are Putting Me to Sleep

You know it.  I know it. The guy sitting across from you, wearing a “My Name is Joe” sticker, staring blankly at you while he stirs a water-downed cocktail at your fancy networking event knows it. Your ho-hum, regular ole’ standard introduction of...
Stop Being a Weenie

Stop Being a Weenie

I see you, sitting there on your phone, computer or tablet thinking about how you want to share something. Something to positively impact someone else in a conversation, a blog, article or video.  You want to “say something”… be edgy, inspirational,...
Inextricably Tied

Inextricably Tied

The text came as I was leaving a meeting today.   It was from a friend, telling our group that she and her husband had suffered a tragic loss… again.  My heart broke into a thousand pieces for her, for her husband. I texted her that I didn’t yet have words...
Stop Talking Behind My Back

Stop Talking Behind My Back

It was the mid-1980s. Smoking was normal, and latchkey kids were all the rage.  I was in the sixth-grade and the youngest of four siblings with divorced parents. My mom was going to school, working during the day, and partying like a freshman at night. You can fill in...
You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

His words hit me like a punch in the gut. A large, burly sort of guy walked up to me in the hall of a business center after I talk I’d given on storytelling and asked, politely, if he could give me some constructive criticism. “Of course!” I said.  I...

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