Be Less So

Be Less So

It was the kind of compliment every speaker wants to hear. It was even more special because the person giving it someone I admire and look up to in the speaker/trainer world. “Your presentation was flawless.” The words dripped from her mouth like honey. I...
Shut Up, My Love

Shut Up, My Love

I knew Clark was the one from the moment he crushed a mouse that had been running around my condo for weeks.  The sneaky rodent had been carefully avoiding and even blatantly raiding the traps I’d set (I was bound and determined not to kill him; I have no...
Stop Talking Behind My Back

Stop Talking Behind My Back

It was the mid-1980s. Smoking was normal, and latchkey kids were all the rage.  I was in the sixth-grade and the youngest of four siblings with divorced parents. My mom was going to school, working during the day, and partying like a freshman at night. You can fill in...
You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

His words hit me like a punch in the gut. A large, burly sort of guy walked up to me in the hall of a business center after I talk I’d given on storytelling and asked, politely, if he could give me some constructive criticism. “Of course!” I said.  I...


My hubby and I were wrapping up dinner, clearing off the dishes and loading the dishwasher.  He’s rinsing away, minding his own business when I look up at him, baking dish in hand and ask “Ya think we should put this in the dishwasher?” “Nah,...

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