If you’ve been around me or read my email newsletter these past few months you know it’s been an exciting time here at PS.
I’ve spent the last six weeks getting ready to talk at TEDxUCincinnati.
Saturday was the big day and let me tell you; it didn’t disappoint. From start to finish, the #tedxucincy team made sure we were prepared and treated like celebrities. I’ll share the video as soon as I can.
You’ve had a lot of questions for me, but there’s one you’ve been shying away from.
Our conversation starts with something like;
“Man, I’ve always wanted to do one of those.“
From there, you ask questions like;
“Am I crazy for thinking about it?”
“Why would anyone care what I have to say?”
Then we get to;
“How much work was it?”
“What did you do…exactly…to prepare?”
After that comes;
“How did you decide what to say?”
“How did you narrow it down so much?”
I share my answers with you…
Then you say…
“I’m just so busy. Once my schedule clears up, I’m going to do it.”
My friend, I think what you’re trying to ask me is…
“Do you think I should do one?”
Yes, yes I do.
If you have something important to share, get started.
Quit telling yourself you don’t have the time, idea or skills to do it.
You’re wrong. You do.
Don’t wait for the right time.
It’s not going to happen magically; you’ve got to make time for it. (If you’re waiting to get caught up, that isn’t going to happen).
Don’t wait for the right idea.
Start with an idea. The talk I started with isn’t the talk I gave. You’ll change and develop it as you go.
Don’t wait until you’ve got the right skills.
The best way to get better at speaking is to do more speaking. Prepping for that TEDx talk (the one you say you want to do) will give you plenty of practice.
The best talks aren’t created alone.
There were many people who helped me with mine.
You know who you are. Thank you for believing in me and helping me be my best.
- Me and my hubby
- Taking the stage!
- Me and my step daughter Kayla
- My with the family
- Hey! That’s ME!
- The main stage