This Blog Blows…

This Blog Blows…

This blog has been a gigantic time sucking leech stuck to my butt for the last week. It’s been singularly unrewarding, frustrating and downright maddening to write. Do you know how many stupid hours I’ve sat here, in my blogging chair, writing content for...
Stop Being a Weenie

Stop Being a Weenie

I see you, sitting there on your phone, computer or tablet thinking about how you want to share something. Something to positively impact someone else in a conversation, a blog, article or video.  You want to “say something”… be edgy, inspirational,...
Do A Few Things Well

Do A Few Things Well

DANG IT! I’m scrolling through LinkedIn, checking out what’s trending in my neck of the woods; you know… making myself a well-rounded professional. (In other words, avoiding doing stuff I should be doing while I hide from my kid in the bathroom.)...
Next Time, I'm Ordering the Pizza

Next Time, I'm Ordering the Pizza

I genuinely love people, so networking tends to be easy from a “get to know you” standpoint. However, I am human, and therefore I face the challenges of networking that many people face… like, botching my “elevator pitch” (I’m not a...
Dear Pretty Perfect Woman

Dear Pretty Perfect Woman

Dear Pretty Perfect Woman, You are everywhere. I see you every day, at work, in meetings, networking events or on a stage. I see you at the store, the gym, at parties with my friends. You are beautiful. Your skin is light, olive, dark, black, tan, and every color in...

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