How Not to Get Things Right

How Not to Get Things Right

We’re human, we make mistakes.  There’s no secret sauce or magic trick that will help you get things right every time.  However, in our ever edited, social media “perfect” world it’s hard to remember that.  If you’ve read anything...
You’re Just so… EFFUSIVE

You’re Just so… EFFUSIVE

Words have hurt me many times in my life. It was supposed to be my dream job, and I wanted to do my best.  I was about forty days in when I got the chance to meet my boss’s favorite client.  She (my boss) couldn’t say enough positive things...
Why You Dream of Being the Bearded Lady

Why You Dream of Being the Bearded Lady

Come on now…you’re not a stranger to The Greatest Showman.  You spend way too much time dancing around your living room, remote as your mic, dreaming with your eyes wide open.  You don’t admit it to your friends, but you are totally car karaoke-ing...
Why No One Wants to Talk to You

Why No One Wants to Talk to You

My belief that every struggle serves a purpose runs deep. So, when I was asked to share part of my personal story for a group of over 200 women, I was thrilled to accept. This was the kind of opportunity I’d been waiting for, for a long time. I was nervous! I...

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