Ok, maybe it’s not the word of 2019; I don’t wield that much influence (yet), but it’s definitely my word for 2019.

If you haven’t heard about choosing a word for the year, let me explain how this works. The idea is to pick a single word to focus on instead of making a resolution. The word should represent what you want more of in the next year. By intentionally focusing on your word and the behaviors associated with it you’ll have more of it in your life.

Basically, what you think about you bring about.

I’ve chosen the word wealth and, I gotta tell ya, it made me a little uncomfortable at first

I mean, when you look up the definition of the word wealth, you’ll see this.

Wealth; an abundance of valuable possessions or money.

Which immediately prompts a little voice inside my head to say “Hang on there lady, don’t get too big for your britches”. It whispers to me that I must be money hungry, greedy or somehow lacking in morals.


Be honest though, what was your first thought when you read it?

While we’re being candid, I’ll tell you that money is absolutely on my mind for 2019. As it is with all businesses, PS doesn’t exist without the good old green stuff.

(the people that live in the Practically Speaking household like to eat and stay warm and stuff.)

But there’s more to the word wealth; there’s depth to it.

The origin of the word is important.

Wealth‘ comes from the old English ‘weal’, which means ‘wealth, welfare, and wellbeing’.

It’s more than money.

Wealth is the well being of our family, friends and clients.

It represents the opportunity to expand our knowledge.

It means preserving energy for the people in our lives so that we can give more time, energy and love to them.

Wealth equals the richness of our relationships.

Seems to me, when we look at what wealth means that there isn’t a person out there who couldn’t use more of it.

So, to get started with bringing more wealth into my life in 2019, I’m sharing the word wealth with you.

However you decide to approach 2019, with goals, resolutions or a word, I wish you a Happy New Year filled with wealth in every way!


Do you have a word for 2019? I’d love to know what it is and why you chose it!

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