Finish what you’ve started

Finish what you’ve started

It took me nearly four hours to walk my first half marathon.  Once I finished, I spent the rest of the day alternating between soaking in a hot bath and lying on the couch.  At the time, I was overweight, a closet smoker and thought that Fruity Pebbles were an OK...
Say nothing

Say nothing

I’m on vacation with my family this week.  There are nine of us (we’ll almost, my sister and my niece arrive tonight). When I tell people that I vacation with my extended family I find their reactions interesting. I get responses like: “That’s wonderful! You must...
Can you, like, stop saying the word like?

Can you, like, stop saying the word like?

“I was trying to talk about my art project when the professor stopped me and said ‘Can you, like, stop saying the word like’”? Darcy told me her face got red, she wanted to find a place to cry, and it made talking about her project harder,...
If you want freedom

If you want freedom

“If you want freedom, set clear boundaries.” I’m not making a political statement; I’m talking about you. Last week I spoke to a group of volunteer leaders for Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, and a woman said her biggest take away was my phrase “if you want freedom, set...
PS-ing my way out of the box

PS-ing my way out of the box

I wrote my first PS in college.  My sister, Charlotte, and I lived together while we were going to Ball State University.  She’s four years older, smarter and more serious than I am. I wanted to be just like her. She helped me pick my major when I...

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